Are Watermelon Radishes Keto-Friendly? Carbs and Calorie Count

Watermelon radishes are a fresh, tasty, and beautiful addition to salads, a crunchy, vibrant side dish, or a delicious accompaniment to meats, poultry,  and seafood.

If you follow a ketogenic or low-carb diet you may wonder are watermelon radishes keto-friendly?

Watermelon radishes are a low-carb root vegetable with only 2 grams of net carbs per cup serving and are definitely appropriate for a ketogenic diet. Watermelon radishes are packed with antioxidants, vitamins (especially vitamins A and C), and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. Watermelon radishes are also low in calories, with only 19 calories per one cup serving.

If you'd like to learn the complete nutritional profile for watermelon radishes, how to store them for maximum freshness, what they taste like, and some simple ways to serve watermelon radishes on a low-carb diet, please keep scrolling.

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watermelon radishes

Now that you know watermelon radishes are perfectly keto-friendly, you may wonder about the complete nutritional profile for this delicious and vibrant root vegetable.

How many carbs are in watermelon radishes?

One cup of raw, sliced watermelon radishes has 4 grams of carbs, 2 grams of fiber, 1 gram of protein, 0 grams of fat, and just 19 calories. Due to the high fiber content, one cup of raw watermelon radishes has only 2 grams of net carbs. Source.

watermelon radish

Watermelon radishes are delicious thinly sliced, drizzled with extra-virgin olive oil, and sprinkled with salt and pepper.

What do watermelon radishes taste like?

Despite its name and it's appearance when sliced, watermelon radishes don't taste like watermelon. Raw watermelon radishes are crisp, crunchy, have a mild sweetness, and have a little punch of peppery flavor.

Roasted watermelon radishes have a much milder flavor and are make a great side dish to meats and seafood. When baked the radishes take on a softer, potato-like texture.


RELATED: Watermelon radishes are a nutritous, low-carb veggie which can be enjoyed on one of my favorite cleanses. Read all about this easy way to drop a few pounds fast. Does Dr. Kellyann's 5-Day Cleanse Kit Really Work? My 2022 Review and Results

Do watermelon radishes taste like regular radishes?

Watermelon radishes have the crispness and peppery flavor of a regular radish, but are a bit milder. 

watermelon radish salad

Use watermelon radishes to garnish power or Buddah bowls.

Do I have to peel watermelon radishes?

Watermelon radishes do not have to be peeled, but do wash them thoroughly before eating.


Do watermelon radishes need to be cooked before eating?

Watermelon radishes may be served raw or cooked.

Sliced raw watermelon radishes make a beautiful addition to any salad or vegetable platter. They can be sliced into chips or sticks and used as a dipper with a creamy dip or hummus.

You can also roast watermelon radishes for a delicious side dish. Roasted watermelon radishes have a similar texture to roasted potatoes and a mild flavor.

watermelon radish, orange, and greens salad

Watermelon radishes pair well with simple salads, like this one with orange, radicchio, Frisee, and a simple vinaigrette.

How to keep watermelon radishes fresh?

Watermelon radishes are a winter vegetable, so you will find them in season from late fall through early spring.

Watermelon radishes can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.

To store watermelon radishes for maximum freshness, cut off the greens, wash the radishes thoroughly, and dry completely. Place watermelon radishes in an airtight container (I love these glass containers from Amazon) or in a freezer zipper bag and store in the refrigerator, where they will keep fresh for about a month.

If the radishes become soft  or spongy to the touch, show signs of  rot, or smell "off," then it's time to discard the radishes.

Market Wagon groceries

RELATED: I first discovered watermelon radishes at Market Wagon, an online farmer’s market. They delivery fresh, local produce, meats and dairy, and prepared foods crafted by local artisans. Read all about it and find out if Market Wagon delivers to your area: Market Wagon Review 2022: Is this Online Farmer's Market Worth it?


Make a fresh, delicious and nutritious avocado toast using watermelon radishes, fresh tomatoes, and black sesame seeds. Serve on a low-carb bread (like this one) for a keto treat.

10 ways to use watermelon radishes on a low-carb diet.

  1. Slice watermelon radishes thinly and use in a salad.

  2. Quick pickle watermelon radishes for a tangy treat or addition to a burger, salad, or garnish. (Learn how to quick pickle any vegetable here.)

  3. Oven roast watermelon radishes with extra-virgin olive oil, garlic, and salt for a tasty, nutritious, and low-carb side dish.

  4. Pan sauté radishes and finish with brown butter and fresh herbs. (Here is my easy, keto-friendly brown butter recipe.)

  5. Use a thick slice of watermelon radish as a crostini and create eye-appealing, healthy appetizers. Top with a dollop of cream cheese and chopped fresh herbs, or a a yummy cheese spread like Boursin.

  6. Add sliced watermelon radishes to avocado toast for a beautiful and filling breakfast. If you follow a keto diet be sure to use a low-carb bread or try this zero carb keto bread mix.

  7. Slice radishes into sticks and use along with other raw vegetables as a dipper for low-carb dips and spreads.

  8. Use brightly-colored watermelon radish slices to garnish a low-carb cocktail, like a Bloody Mary or one of these vegetable cocktails.

  9. Grate watermelon radishes and use in these spicy, Asian-inspired pancakes!

  10. Use watermelon radishes anywhere you might use regular radishes, like in street tacos, in Buddah or power bowls, grated in slaws, in sandwiches, or atop a keto-friendly pizza!

Now that you know watermelon radishes are not only low-carb and nutritious, but also tasty and versatile, check out your local grocery store or farmer’s market this fall and winter and experiment with this beautiful vegetable!

—The Keto Minimalist