Can You Drink Coffee on a Carnivore Diet? Pros and Cons

If you're new to following a carnivore diet you might wonder if you can drink coffee or if that is somehow "cheating."

In this post I'll share what people who are carnivore purists believe about including coffee, what most people who consider themselves carnivore believe, and how you can decide if including "a cup of hope in a world of chaos and Mondays" -- errr coffee -- is right for YOU.

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Coffee is derived from a plant and is technically not a carnivore food.

Coffee is derived from the seeds (beans) of the Coffea plant. The coffee plant produces fruits called "cherries" or "berries," and the seeds inside these fruits are what we commonly refer to as coffee beans. The beans are processed, roasted, and then ground before being brewed to become the delectable beverage we so love drinking in the morning (or at other times of the day)!

Coffee obviously does not come from an animal and does not fit the definition of a carnivore food.

If you want to be a strict carnivore, someone who only consumes animal products, then coffee should not be a part of your menu.

But here is where it gets interesting...


Many, if not most, carnivores DO include coffee in their diet.

If you're in the carnivore community you likely follow Dr. Shawn Baker who is a carnivore guru and published one of the top books on Carnivore. It's currently the #1 book in the High Protein Diets category and #2 in Low Carb Diets. If you haven't read it, you definitely should. (You can find his book on Amazon here.)

On April 8, 2023, Dr. Baker did a poll on X (formerly Twitter) asking if people drank coffee while on a carnivore diet. With almost 19,000 responses, an overwhelming percentage (82.1%) say yes, they drink coffee.

RELATED: Read all of the Carnivore content HERE.


I personally choose to drink coffee. (Mostly for the mental health and safety of people around me, lol.)

Dr. Ken Berry, a carnivore advocate, drinks coffee.  You can find him on YouTube.


Some people choose to avoid coffee on a carnivore diet.

Dr. Paul Saladino and Dr. Anthony Chaffee are the biggest names in the carnivore community I can think of who do not advocate drinking coffee while on a carnivore diet. Likely there are others as well.

Curious why Paul Saladino doesn't recommend coffee? Hear in his own words.


Ultimately, whether or not to include coffee on a carnivore diet is up to YOU.

We've established that coffee comes from a plant and is technically not a carnivore food. So why do many people drink coffee when they follow an animal-based diet?

Pros of drinking coffee on a carnivore diet.

Coffee is delicious, drinking it is a calming ritual in the morning, and it makes us feel better. That's enough for me to include coffee in my meal plan. But here are other reasons you might consider drinking coffee even if you follow a carnivore diet.

Coffee contains zero carbs.

Coffee is carb-free, which makes it a great beverage choice for those following a carnivore diet. It won't interfere with the diet's primary focus on animal products.

Coffee increases mental alertness and cognitive function.

If you're a coffee drinker you know coffee wakes you up!  Caffeine, a natural stimulant found in coffee, has been shown to enhance cognitive function, improve mood, and increase alertness. This can be especially beneficial if you're following a diet that may initially cause changes in energy levels, like carnivore or keto.    Source.

Coffee contains antioxidants.

Coffee contains antioxidants, which are compounds that help combat oxidative stress in the body. While the carnivore diet is primarily focused on animal products, adding coffee can contribute to your overall antioxidant intake. Source.

Coffee may reduce the risk of neurological disorders.

Some studies suggest that regular coffee consumption may be associated with a reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.  Source.

Coffee may have potential cardiovascular benefits.

Moderate coffee consumption has been linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases and mortality.  Source.

Coffee may improve liver health.

Coffee consumption has been associated with a lower risk of liver diseases, including liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.   Source.

Coffee may lower the risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

Some studies suggest that regular coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.  Source.

While coffee offers many health benefits, it's essential to be aware of potential side effects, especially when consumed in excess. Here are some common cons or side effects associated with drinking coffee.

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Cons of drinking coffee on a carnivore diet.

Coffee is not an animal product and is not technically part of a carnivore diet.

Coffee may increase your appetite.

While coffee can act as an appetite suppressant for some, it might stimulate appetite in others. Pay attention to your body's signals, as the goal of the carnivore diet is to eat when hungry and stop when satisfied.

Coffee may cause insomnia and disrupted sleep.

Caffeine is a stimulant that can interfere with sleep, particularly if consumed close to bedtime.  A good rule of thumb is to stop drinking coffee after 12pm or switch to decaf in the afternoon or evening.  Source.

Coffee may increase heart rate and blood pressure in some individuals.

Caffeine can temporarily raise heart rate and blood pressure, potentially leading to cardiovascular concerns in sensitive individuals.  Source.

Coffee may cause digestive issues in some individuals.

Coffee is acidic and can stimulate gastric acid secretion, potentially leading to digestive discomfort in some people.  Source.

Coffee may cause jitters and anxiety.

Excessive caffeine intake can lead to symptoms such as jitteriness, nervousness, and anxiety.  Source.

Coffee may cause dependency and withdrawal.

If you've ever tried to quit drinking coffee, or had to take an early flight without being fully caffeinated, you know the sluggish, headachy feeling you may experience without your morning coffee. Regular consumption of caffeine can lead to dependency, and quitting suddenly may result in withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and irritability.  Source.

7 Ways to Enjoy Coffee on a Keto or Carnivore Diet.

While black coffee is a popular choice on the carnivore diet due to its simplicity and zero-carb content, there are still ways to add variety and enhance your coffee experience without deviating from the carnivore principles. Here are some ideas:

  1. Bulletproof Coffee (Keto Coffee): Add a splash of fat to your coffee by incorporating butter or ghee. This can provide a creamy texture and boost your fat intake. Some people also add MCT oil for an extra energy kick.

  2. Heavy Cream or Whipping Cream: If you tolerate dairy well, you can add heavy cream or whipping cream to your coffee. It's a rich and indulgent option that adds a creamy texture without carbs.

  3. Egg Coffee: This may sound unusual, but it's a traditional preparation in some cultures. Mix an egg yolk into your coffee for added richness. Make sure to use high-quality, pasteurized eggs to reduce the risk of foodborne illness.

  4. Bone Broth Coffee: If you're open to experimenting, try blending bone broth with your coffee. It might sound unconventional, but some people enjoy the savory twist and the added nutrients from the bone broth.

  5. Cinnamon or Vanilla: If you want to infuse some flavor without adding carbs, consider adding a dash of cinnamon or a drop of vanilla extract to your coffee. These can provide a subtle sweetness and aromatic richness.

  6. Salt or Electrolytes: Adding a pinch of salt to your coffee may enhance its flavor without compromising the carnivore principles. Some people find that salt complements the bitterness of coffee. Other people add a little LMNT electrolytes to their coffee, either unflavored or one of the chocolate varieties. (You can find LMNT on Amazon.)

  7. Cold Brew: If you prefer a chilled coffee option, consider making cold brew. It involves steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period, resulting in a smooth and less acidic beverage. You can drink it black or experiment with the additions mentioned above.

  8. Add Collagen Peptides: No matter how I prepare my coffee, I always add a scoop or two of collagen powder. (My favorite brand is Vital Proteins because it is flavorless and blends easily and I purchase it on Amazon.)

Remember to pay attention to how your body responds to different additions. If you experience any adverse effects, it's a good idea to scale back or eliminate the ingredient causing the issue. The key is to find what works best for your taste preferences and overall well-being within the carnivore framework. Enjoy your carnivore-friendly coffee creations!

In conclusion, coffee is not technically a part of a strict carnivore diet. Many carnivores still choose to include coffee on a daily basis. Ultimately YOU get to decide if you still include coffee if you follow an animal-based diet, or if you want to let it go.

—The Keto Minimalist