8 Stress-Busting Keto-Friendly Foods to Help You Relax

If you're anxious and stressed (and who isn't these days with inflation, COVID, and political drama) you may wonder if what you eat can help you feel more calm and relaxed. While food is not a magical cure for anxiety, eating certain foods can be very beneficial for relieving stress in the body.

Foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, like fruits and vegetables, can help keep your body healthy and reduce stress levels.

Additionally, foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds, can help to reduce inflammation and improve mental health.

keto foods

8 Keto-Friendly Foods that Help Relieve Stress

  1. Avocado.

Rich in potassium, avocados help to reduce blood pressure and relax the body, making them an effective stress reliever.


2. Salmon.

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon helps to reduce inflammation and regulate cortisol, the body’s stress hormone.

Anchovies and sardines are also excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as mackerel, trout, herring, and tuna.

To get the most out of your omega-3s, it is important to buy wild-caught, sustainably sourced fish whenever possible.


3. Nuts, especially almonds.

Nuts are high in magnesium, which helps to reduce stress levels in the body.

Nuts that are highest in magnesium are almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts. Almonds are particularly high in magnesium, containing 80mg per 1/4 cup. Cashews contain 74mg of magnesium per 1/4 cup, and Brazil nuts contain around 107mg of magnesium per 1/4 cup.


4. Spinach.

Spinach is rich in folate, which helps to reduce anxiety and promote better sleep.

Folate (also known as vitamin B9) is an important nutrient for overall health. Other vegetables that are particularly high in folate include turnip greens, collard greens, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli.


5. Coconut Oil.

Coconut oil is high in healthy fats that help to reduce cortisol levels and promote relaxation.

dark chocolate

6. Dark Chocolate.

Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and can help to reduce stress hormones.


7. Eggs.

Eggs are high in vitamin D, which helps to reduce stress levels and promote a sense of calm.

bone broth

8. Bone Broth.

Bone broth is high in amino acids and helps to reduce inflammation in the body, which can help to reduce stress levels.


RELATED: This is my favorite go-to, easy, chef-approved, bone broth recipe.


With the right combination of keto-friendly foods, you can keep your stress levels low while also providing your body with the nutrients it needs. By incorporating these 8 foods into your diet, you can ensure that your body is well-equipped to handle the pressures of everyday life.

So don’t forget to eat your veggies, drink your water, and enjoy some healthy fats for a stress-free lifestyle.

—The Keto Minimalist